Wednesday, May 30, 2012


how yall doing today? beautiful thursday afternoon huh? but here i am, blogging. ahahaha ok.
so earlier this morning, went for e-maths remedial. meh never liked maths before. i doubt i'm gonna use Pythagoras theorem went i grow up -_________- 

After maths, went to with kimmy to grab some DOUGHNUTS and a drink. Personally, i feel that has the best doughnuts. ever. period. (Y) Here's a pic! 
I got Glazzy and Kimmy got the Almond-ish one. We both ordered Oreo freeze. hmm the drink is nice and all but it's too much for my poor little tummy. drank halfway and already felt full. My advice, drink it before eating. or just drink this and don't eat! hahaha i'm serious. 

MOVING ON to the next thing. Guess who chalked her hair today ? ;) 
it's not really obvious. that's the sad thing. but it looks cool though! i had to contrast the photo to make it look more obvious. here's another closer look.
i did pink, green, and blue. It's really nice and all but it comes off really easily. :( 
Prolly gonna chalk my hair just before performance on Thursday. hehe oops haven't blogged about that. well we'll just have to wait till thursday to find out, won't we? ;)


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