Monday, May 28, 2012

Shut Up And Dance

Hey Groovers!
Went for a dance workshop today with my girls. It was held at Danz People studios. Ok all in all, it was SO MUCH FUN. If i get a chance to do it again, i would. So for today's workshop only we signed up for it. hahah so basically we were the only participants for today. Ok here's some pics! 
ok braided half of my hair. ok or not? heheh
just realised how colorful we were^^

OOH! painted my nails blueee. MY UTMOST FAVORITE COLOR!!
heheh naise. i rike it!
and we got free goodie bag!
eh later kenna stomp how?  hahah ok not funny. we were all getting motion sickness. caught in a traffic jam otw back home in the bus. we had to stand throughout the entire journey because the bus is damn packed :( my legs were sore. but it's worth it! hehe

Hmm was taught by Mr.Patrick Loo aka Uncle Pat :))) hehe be jelly! the choreo was damn dope! seriously. while we were dancing, there was a photographer taking shots of us. there was even other photographers who took a video of us dancing. ok so after dancing, we were interviewed about the workshop and about the rights of children thingy since this thingy has got something to do with the UN. hmm wah so important worh! 

ok hope this entry was fun! buboiiiiiii :D

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