Saturday, May 12, 2012

dead blog

 Hello !

it's been a while, yes. so here i am to update my dead blog.

so went to Lot one with Kimmy and Sufian yesterday for lunch. Didn't really eat much though.. So basically just sat there and watched them eat. hehe. ok took some pics too :3

 kimmy had mango frolicks. i swear, that girl is a frolick monster. nom nom nom
 then sufian had hotstone mixed rice bowl beef. i forgot the name. oops. it was a healthy dish! hahah although he said that the whole dish is weird. :3
                                                                zi lian a bit la. hahaha
                                                           A weeee bit more. :B
   oh got this as a birthday gift from a friend. didn't really wear it till yesterday. so chio! love ze charms.

 so that's it for yesterday. Gonna go for Mother's day celebration in a while. will update my blog soon. see ya !

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