Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Holy Macaroni!

Hey, Sexy ;) Decided to cut my fringe into straight bangs after much contemplation. Cut it myself cause i don't think i should waste money and time just to go to the salon and cut my fringe, right? it looks okay to me. My mom said i look more matured. hahaha so anyways, here's how it looks!

it looks okay, righhhtttt? hahah but straight bangs are really hard to maintain. Only a few days and i'm already thinking of snipping them off. Or should i just let it grow out. oh and my hair grows out really fast. i'm serious.

So moving on to a rather sad note. Was reading through my friend's blog, who is also my dance senior (Mardiana) and i just realised how i've missed all my seniors :( Performing together with them was one of the highlights in my life. i could not have possibly be who i am today without them .  if it's one thing that i will miss when i leave ZSS, it's dancing and performing with them all. hais. Just to mention them : Mardiana Adrian Khairi Fitri Sakinah Amirul Chinsiew and others. hais. PLEASE do not forget me and the rest of us! 

ok That's all for now. buboiiii! :)

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