Thursday, June 7, 2012


wazzup guys? long time no post huh? mwehehe reason being, i've been really busy with dance. non-stop back-to-back training days. whew. tiring. hehe 
ok so first practice session was at PA. look at how BIG the studio is O.O it's like twice the size of my school's dance studio! 
second day onwards, practices were held at Danz People. nothing much to say. beep beep beep..
oh have yall heard or bought a drink from this stall? it's sooooo goodd! much better than Gongcha or KOI. i'm serious. but sadly, the one at POMO closed down yesterday :( nuuuuu. 
now THIS is performance day. this is before all the makeup and styling and stuff. more pics to come! :D

just fooling around after final rehearsal at POMO.  Glenn bought us some chocolate. hehe yay! i is eating RAINBOW

a pic with nicholas! he looks like Kevjumba rightttttt? omg omg omg. 
oh hullo. my successful headstand ftw! (Y)

ok we've arrived at NUS town. here's Hafiz Bulattttt.  we call him Adek. oh i'm so nice, fanning him and stuff. ^.^

MEET MY AWESOME UNCRC CREW! though we only interacted for 5 days, we are bonded. i guess it's a dance kinda thing huh? hmmm i'm gonna miss performing with them :( 

oh he's Zul! we call him matrep! mwehehe. you see! even the way he smiles! super mat rep. 

haahaha after performance, we went to the games station. i went to the balloon sculpturing station and asked for a machine gun. then this kaypo kevjumba go and asked for a machine gun too. ahhah he also did henna painting. looks like a tattoo to me ! :P

heheh this is Siu min, me and le bestfriend kimmy! doing some wushu pose(??)

awww i find this pic so cutteee. the one hugging me is Wei Lin, our crew leader! :D 

see the tall guy at the back? he reminds me of Hagrid, don't you think? hahah he's tyler. but caimei prefers calling him kailan. XD

All in all, it was a great experience. gained new friends. getting taught by Uncle Patrick loo. hmmm i wonder if i'll get such an opportunity again . but we're DEFINITELY gonna make an outing soon! yay! hehe ok bye gaise!! 


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