Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Big Fat Tummies

Hello, my jiggly puffy doughnuts!
Today was a day out with my UNCRC crew members - the three Beatty sec gals. le sigh. so ANYWAYS.. we went to eat our hearts out at Clementi Mall's Seoul Garden. All was good and fun. Ate so much that my tummy is almost bursting! ok cut to the chase, here's some pics!
this is caimei. heheh one of my close friends. pretty rightttttt? hhehe camwhore abit at the interchange :P
this is only the beginning....
yeap, caimei and my retarded sister from another mother. hahahah yo face, bish. omnomnomnom

look at this kewl ordering system. just click and food will come to your table. HEAVEENNNN.
and Zul thought that it was touch screen XD not so high-tech la bro.

more pics. dum da dum dum dum

ok so after eating to our hearts' content, we rushed down to West Mall's Eng Wah movie theater to watch Snow White and The Huntsman. ok la.. i'd rate the movie 7/10.
not really interesting. the effects were so-so. And 80% of the time Kristen Stewart's expression was of a brick. uhhuh. AS USUAL. 

ok here's a pic of Caimei and Nic getting the tickets. hehehhehehe. ok that's all. see ya later alligator!


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