Monday, December 31, 2012



Waddup. haven't been blogging for quite some time. But i'm back. lol. So first off, HAPPY NEW YEARS, EVRIBARDI. To sum up 2012, it'll be really hard. It's been a year full of emotional rollercoasters. Friends came and go. Lost a whole load of friends, but hey i made a ton more. so #SORRYNOTSORRY hahah. Among the new friends i made, one of them pretty much inspired me as a singer and a song writer as a whole. So today's post, gonna show you guys my humbly written song which i wrote quite a while back. Don't know if it's an good. so here it goes.
Title : Inseparable
(Verse 1)
I can be your sunlight
When your world is not bright
Shining on you ooh
I can be your moonlight
while you're in bed tucked in tight
Watching over you
And there are times when i can't be there for you
But I'll try my best just t keep you safe
I will never rest, just to see a smile on your face
They can bring on any test, together, we'll ace it
(Verse 2)
You can be my blanket
when i'm feeling a lil cold
Wrapped around me
You can be my locket
in my hand, i will hold
Where you should be
And there are times when i can't be there for you
The way you smile at me
Makes me feel so pretty
Together, you and i shall be
(chorus x2)
Ok done. hahah again, idk if it was any good just felt "in love" at that moment.  Don't be so hard on me! ok see yall soon xoxo

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Today was goooood. Went to Blogshop Festival which was at Marina Mandarin Hotel's Club Avatar \m/
Heard about the event from Qiuqiu's youtube video. So mardiana and I rushed down to grab good stuff^-^  Here are some pics of the day!
OMGGGG you cannot imagine how starstruck i was meeting her. ahhh wanted to squeal right there and then but don't wanna scare her xD She's so cute and tall in person! Super friendly ^^heheheh Go qiuqiu go! 
Another famous blogger that i adore, Eric. oh god. my hands were trembling when i saw him. And he's so cheerful and friendlyyyy! Wanted to wait until Yutaki comes but meh was suffocating in that club. T.T 

Oh would you just look at the longggg queue we had to stand in before we got into the place. gah. 
oh but we got coupons from Victoria Jomo while standing in line so yeah whoopie! 
Overall, the place was so packed but there were really pretty things that is cheap. The only thing i regret is that i didn't bring more money. Oh the downside of it was that everyone was pushing and shoving like mad bitches. CALM YO TITS, WOMEN. Qiu's booth was almost impossible to reach. Here are the three things that i bought^^
This pair of shoes for ONLY 10 dollars. X.X This kinda shoe would've easily cost me 30+ dollars elsewhere. good buy huh? *pats shoulder*
Bought one for me and one for le bestfriend. ^^ one was 50 cents. They somehow remind me of pretzels, no? Or maybe i'm just hungry. hahaha.

ok that is all for today's update. Hope yall will have a great night ahead^^ byeee


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


How yall doin? good? Nobody reads my blog anyway. so yes, diyana. i am good. Guess what! School's starting in a week! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY not -.- I am SO not looking forward to the new school term. I wish schools would burn down and only Dance studios and stages remain standing. mwahahaha. ok i didn't mean that. ._. My homeworks are not done and projects are not done either. i am a bad kid. Luckily my mom isn't the kind of mom to nag and to force me do my homework. SO MUCH WIN! But seriously, i need to be disciplined and do my assignments diligently. 

If i had a choice, i'd dance my life away and not study at all. But i can't do that. i'm no great dancer to be able to do that. SIGH. I'm telling you, if i can dance as good as chachi, i can die in peace. yeah. OH speaking about dance! 

Last Saturday was Danzpeople's Open House. It was so much fun! But i hate the fact that so many people had to cram in one tiny studio for each class. well i guess that's a good thing for the studio. More $$. hahah. Tickets were $8 each for a total to about 10 classes. how awesome of a deal is that? it's no wonder people were like coming in the door like tsunami waves. 
OOTD on saturday and belle behind me. hahaha she's so tall :)
with nic and belle :)
ok i only took two pictures on saturday coz i was super tired. i even had to go home by myself T.T 
ok all in all, classes were great. well uhm, most of em. this class, called Bellaxotic was uhm, O.O idk how to explain. just not my kinda thing maybe? hahahahah belle was raging after the class saying that she regret taking her class. i feel ya. we all felt like sluts. X.X

hahahaha ok to end off this post, here's some pics of my camwhore. yeap, because one pic is never enough. hey i'm a girl. k bye babies ! ^^ 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sweating like sluts

HULLO once again.
woo i've been blogging quite often during this holidays, yeah? But for the most parts, i'm blogging about da da da dancceee. YAY. This blog post is no exception. So YESTERDAY, went for Jootz's class at Danzpeople. His classes are held every Thursday night 830-10 so yeah, if yall are interested, might wanna check them out here. the class was really refreshing as it really got me to step outta my comfort zone. Danced to motto- drake. yolo. hahaha ok i know it's annoying and shit. sorry :P And as always, was awed by the other crew members and Jootz himself. Such good dancers. Working hard to get to near their standard. TRYING.  ok here's some pikchas!
familiar? yeah this was taken last night while i was waiting for the bus to come. oh ya and 190 is FOREVER packed-.-. so anyways, it looks quite tumblr-ish right? heheh so preddaye. i love the sky at night. :')
Uh this is AFTER dance class and everyone is shagged but still freaking hyper. i'm telling you, the people around us would have thought we were drunk or something XD
caimei and kimmy look damn pale here. oooo scaryy O.O
oh meet le Afifi. one of my dance senior in school and my crew member at Danzpeople^^
don't mind his expression. FOREVER diva. hais. but nonetheless, one of the coolest person i've met :)
this is super naiisseee! some maggi goreng that Belle bought for supper last night. yummeh.
oh hello! this is isabelle! one of my crew member as well. Just got to know her from the last dance practice and we already hit off pretty well. YAY new friend! ^^ hahaha 

so yeah. afterwards, caimei's sis called to rush her home. and we cabbed all the way. khairi paid the fare. oo rich kid. heheh. but walking home was scaryyyy. can't believe i have to do that every thurs night. le sigh.. k ending off with le usual 


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Big Fat Tummies

Hello, my jiggly puffy doughnuts!
Today was a day out with my UNCRC crew members - the three Beatty sec gals. le sigh. so ANYWAYS.. we went to eat our hearts out at Clementi Mall's Seoul Garden. All was good and fun. Ate so much that my tummy is almost bursting! ok cut to the chase, here's some pics!
this is caimei. heheh one of my close friends. pretty rightttttt? hhehe camwhore abit at the interchange :P
this is only the beginning....
yeap, caimei and my retarded sister from another mother. hahahah yo face, bish. omnomnomnom

look at this kewl ordering system. just click and food will come to your table. HEAVEENNNN.
and Zul thought that it was touch screen XD not so high-tech la bro.

more pics. dum da dum dum dum

ok so after eating to our hearts' content, we rushed down to West Mall's Eng Wah movie theater to watch Snow White and The Huntsman. ok la.. i'd rate the movie 7/10.
not really interesting. the effects were so-so. And 80% of the time Kristen Stewart's expression was of a brick. uhhuh. AS USUAL. 

ok here's a pic of Caimei and Nic getting the tickets. hehehhehehe. ok that's all. see ya later alligator!


Thursday, June 7, 2012


wazzup guys? long time no post huh? mwehehe reason being, i've been really busy with dance. non-stop back-to-back training days. whew. tiring. hehe 
ok so first practice session was at PA. look at how BIG the studio is O.O it's like twice the size of my school's dance studio! 
second day onwards, practices were held at Danz People. nothing much to say. beep beep beep..
oh have yall heard or bought a drink from this stall? it's sooooo goodd! much better than Gongcha or KOI. i'm serious. but sadly, the one at POMO closed down yesterday :( nuuuuu. 
now THIS is performance day. this is before all the makeup and styling and stuff. more pics to come! :D

just fooling around after final rehearsal at POMO.  Glenn bought us some chocolate. hehe yay! i is eating RAINBOW

a pic with nicholas! he looks like Kevjumba rightttttt? omg omg omg. 
oh hullo. my successful headstand ftw! (Y)

ok we've arrived at NUS town. here's Hafiz Bulattttt.  we call him Adek. oh i'm so nice, fanning him and stuff. ^.^

MEET MY AWESOME UNCRC CREW! though we only interacted for 5 days, we are bonded. i guess it's a dance kinda thing huh? hmmm i'm gonna miss performing with them :( 

oh he's Zul! we call him matrep! mwehehe. you see! even the way he smiles! super mat rep. 

haahaha after performance, we went to the games station. i went to the balloon sculpturing station and asked for a machine gun. then this kaypo kevjumba go and asked for a machine gun too. ahhah he also did henna painting. looks like a tattoo to me ! :P

heheh this is Siu min, me and le bestfriend kimmy! doing some wushu pose(??)

awww i find this pic so cutteee. the one hugging me is Wei Lin, our crew leader! :D 

see the tall guy at the back? he reminds me of Hagrid, don't you think? hahah he's tyler. but caimei prefers calling him kailan. XD

All in all, it was a great experience. gained new friends. getting taught by Uncle Patrick loo. hmmm i wonder if i'll get such an opportunity again . but we're DEFINITELY gonna make an outing soon! yay! hehe ok bye gaise!! 


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


how yall doing today? beautiful thursday afternoon huh? but here i am, blogging. ahahaha ok.
so earlier this morning, went for e-maths remedial. meh never liked maths before. i doubt i'm gonna use Pythagoras theorem went i grow up -_________- 

After maths, went to with kimmy to grab some DOUGHNUTS and a drink. Personally, i feel that has the best doughnuts. ever. period. (Y) Here's a pic! 
I got Glazzy and Kimmy got the Almond-ish one. We both ordered Oreo freeze. hmm the drink is nice and all but it's too much for my poor little tummy. drank halfway and already felt full. My advice, drink it before eating. or just drink this and don't eat! hahaha i'm serious. 

MOVING ON to the next thing. Guess who chalked her hair today ? ;) 
it's not really obvious. that's the sad thing. but it looks cool though! i had to contrast the photo to make it look more obvious. here's another closer look.
i did pink, green, and blue. It's really nice and all but it comes off really easily. :( 
Prolly gonna chalk my hair just before performance on Thursday. hehe oops haven't blogged about that. well we'll just have to wait till thursday to find out, won't we? ;)


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

today's post is gonna be a sad one. so if you don't wanna get sad with me, gtfo. so yah. grew some balls today and confessed to my crush of a few months. i got a bad feeling the moment i typed it out. i just sent it anyways. he said that i'm a good friend and all but he doesn't feel the same way. dammit. :'( urgh ok i knew it. i was out of his league right from the beginning. why am i so dumb? hmm.

You know when you have a crush and all you do is think about him? so wth am i gonna do now that i won't be doing that anymore? hmm i guess i'll just dance all day. hmm yeah. ok sorry for the depressing post. bye


Monday, May 28, 2012

Shut Up And Dance

Hey Groovers!
Went for a dance workshop today with my girls. It was held at Danz People studios. Ok all in all, it was SO MUCH FUN. If i get a chance to do it again, i would. So for today's workshop only we signed up for it. hahah so basically we were the only participants for today. Ok here's some pics! 
ok braided half of my hair. ok or not? heheh
just realised how colorful we were^^

OOH! painted my nails blueee. MY UTMOST FAVORITE COLOR!!
heheh naise. i rike it!
and we got free goodie bag!
eh later kenna stomp how?  hahah ok not funny. we were all getting motion sickness. caught in a traffic jam otw back home in the bus. we had to stand throughout the entire journey because the bus is damn packed :( my legs were sore. but it's worth it! hehe

Hmm was taught by Mr.Patrick Loo aka Uncle Pat :))) hehe be jelly! the choreo was damn dope! seriously. while we were dancing, there was a photographer taking shots of us. there was even other photographers who took a video of us dancing. ok so after dancing, we were interviewed about the workshop and about the rights of children thingy since this thingy has got something to do with the UN. hmm wah so important worh! 

ok hope this entry was fun! buboiiiiiii :D